Sta­tis­ti­ca – We’ll gui­de you through
tran­si­tio­ning your ana­ly­tics prac­ti­ce
Use our pre­mi­um wel­co­me packa­ge for users of Mini­T­ab and other lega­cy soft­ware
Get Your Tri­al Ver­si­on Now
// Mas­ter the chall­enge

Let our expertise guide you

Migra­ting your exis­ting data ana­ly­tics soft­ware & plat­form can be quite a chall­enge. Stat­Soft has more than 35 years of ana­ly­tics expe­ri­ence across all indus­tries and more than 20 cer­ti­fied data sci­en­tists.

We will:

  • Help you inte­gra­te Sta­tis­ti­ca into your exis­ting archi­tec­tu­re and con­nect to rele­vant data sources
  • Sup­port the migra­ti­on of your exis­ting ana­ly­ti­cal arti­facts and solu­ti­ons – or even lead the who­le pro­cess for you
  • Share best prac­ti­ces for mee­ting audi­ting and regu­la­to­ry requi­re­ments
  • Train your users to speed up adop­ti­on of the new soft­ware and gene­ra­te ROI imme­dia­te­ly

Every orga­niza­ti­on is uni­que, and we col­la­bo­ra­te with you throug­hout the migra­ti­on pro­ject, tail­oring our gui­dance to your con­text, exis­ting infra­struc­tu­re, and goals.

// Wel­co­me packa­ge *

Your most carefree and efficient start with Statistica

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Free get­ting star­ted ses­si­on befo­re you buy
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Two 1h ses­si­on with our experts

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* Requi­re­ments: Pro­mo­ti­on valid from 3 users and more, Non-Aca­de­mic Licen­se types only | Pro­mo­ti­on while sup­pli­es last or valid until Oct. 30th 2024

// Your tri­al ver­si­on

Get your trial version
and kick-start with an expert

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✅ Book a ses­si­on with our experts

✅ Get star­ted imme­dia­te­ly

// Key reasons

5 key reasons for switching to Statistica now

// Rela­ted con­tent

Further content on the topic of TIBCO Statistica