
Our exclusive fall promotion: 20% discount on all training courses!

Fall is trai­ning time! Whe­ther Sta­tis­ti­ca, Spot­fi­re, Alte­ryx or gene­ral ana­ly­ti­cal methods - use the coming weeks to expand your skills. We are offe­ring you exclu­si­ve dis­counts on sel­ec­ted trai­ning cour­ses up to and inclu­ding 07.12.24: 🚀

🔥 20% dis­count: Book your trai­ning cour­se now and hold it in 2024.

📅 10% dis­count: Book this year and com­ple­te the trai­ning by the end of March 2025.

Your advan­ta­ges:

✅ Expert know­ledge: Per­fect your Sta­tis­ti­ca, Spot­fi­re, Alte­ryx or gene­ral data know­ledge under the gui­dance of experts.
✅ Fle­xi­ble plan­ning: Set trai­ning dates that fit in with your busi­ness pro­ces­ses.
✅ Live online cour­se: Take part from any­whe­re.
✅ Com­pre­hen­si­ve cur­ri­cu­lum: All aspects of the soft­ware, from beg­in­ner to advan­ced.
✅ One pri­ce for you and up to five colleagues/employees.

More than 25 years of expe­ri­ence in soft­ware and ana­ly­sis trai­ning speak for them­sel­ves. Use the full poten­ti­al of your soft­ware & data and book a trai­ning cour­se for yours­elf or your team today!

🚀 Take advan­ta­ge of our exclu­si­ve offer now with a 20% or 10% dis­count!

* Regu­lar cour­se pri­ce total up to 6 par­ti­ci­pan­ts

Register yourself and your team directly for our training courses:

After your boo­king, we will get in touch with you direct­ly to coor­di­na­te the appoint­ment per­so­nal­ly.

If you have any ques­ti­ons or need assis­tance in advan­ce, plea­se cont­act our sup­port team at / +49 (0)40 22 85 900 0.

Terms of this pro­mo­ti­on:

  • We will make every effort to accom­mo­da­te your pre­fer­red dates within the realm of pos­si­bi­li­ties.
  • First come, first ser­ve: In case of sche­du­ling con­flicts, ear­lier boo­kings will be prio­ri­ti­zed.
  • With pro­per advan­ce noti­ce, Stat­Soft can pro­vi­de time-limi­t­ed licen­ses for demonstration/training pur­po­ses, to be instal­led by the cus­to­mer befo­re the start of the trai­ning.
  • The agree­ment is bin­ding. Invoices will be issued after the ser­vice has been pro­vi­ded, with a 30-day pay­ment term. Boo­ked cour­ses that are not taken up by the end of March 2025 or are can­ce­led by the cus­to­mer wit­hout an alter­na­ti­ve date will be invoi­ced.
  • Our Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons app­ly (